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Best City and Local Resources for COVID-19

Funding Nerd

The below list represents an ever-growing collection of state and local initiatives; you can see a separate list of national options here.

Table of Contents



This fund provides immediate support for small businesses that are awaiting state or federal relief funding or a more stable business environment. Who is eligible? For-profit businesses with less than 50 employees located within the Birmingham city limits that have been operating for at least one year are eligible to apply.


Coronavirus Information Center | Chamber Business News

This page from the Chamber Business News aims to provide Arizonans with reliable information so that they can make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Find resources and information for businesses getting through the crisis.


Arkansas Quick Action Loan Program | Arkansas Economic Development Commission

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) has established a loan program to provide assistance to businesses affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. This fund will prioritize small to medium-sized companies that are in the supply chain of essential goods and services, including healthcare, food manufacturers, and logistics. The program includes both loan guarantees and direct lending to businesses with the amount of guarantee capped at $250,000.

COVID-19 Business and Employee Resources | Arkansas Economic Development Commission

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission is committed to helping businesses and employees combat the effects of COVID-19. On this page, they have compiled a list of programs and resources — including a quick action loan program for businesses — and will continue to update this list as additional resources become available.


California Capital Access Program for Small Business | California Pollution Control Financing Authority

The California Capital Access Program for Small Business (CalCAP SB) is a loan loss reserve program which may provide up to 100% coverage on losses as a result of certain loan defaults. CalCAP encourages banks and other financial institutions to make loans to small businesses that have difficulty obtaining financing. With CalCAP portfolio support, a lender may be more comfortable underwriting small business loans.

California COVID-19 Relief & Extensions for Filing Returns | California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

This site from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration provides information on extensions for filing a claim for a refund or tax appeal and available relief payment plans to California small businesses.

California Small Business Finance Center | California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank)

Under IBank, the Small Business Finance Center (SBFC) helps California-based businesses create and retain jobs and encourages investment in low- to moderate-income communities. One of the SBFC loan guarantee programs is designed for Disaster Relief specifically and is currently available to small businesses needing assistance to overcome economic injury caused by COVID-19. There are seven Financial Development Corporation (FDC) partners throughout the state that assist business in securing a 95% guarantee on a bank loan.

California State Tax Deadline Extended | State of California Franchise Tax Board

This tax relief includes moving the various tax filing and payment deadlines from March 15, 2020, to June 15, 2020. This includes: partnerships and LLCs whose tax returns were due March 15, 2020, are now due on June 15, 2020; individual filers whose tax returns were due on April 15, 2020, now have a 60-day extension to file and pay by June 15, 2020; and quarterly estimated tax payments due on April 15, 2020, now have a 60-day extension to pay by June 15, 2020. The Franchise Tax Board will also waive interest and any late filing or late payment penalties that would otherwise apply.

COVID-19 Information for Businesses and Employees | California Office of Business and Economic Development

Are you an employee or business impacted by the COVID-19 crisis? The Office of Business and Economic Development has compiled helpful information for employers, employees, and all Californians as it relates to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Learn more about special tax relief available to California taxpayers affected by COVID-19 and find resources for small businesses like loan programs and access to capital training and consulting.

COVID-19 Resources for Employers and Workers | California Labor and Workforce Development Agency

In the face of the COVID-19 disease, the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency wants to keep workers, employers, co-workers, and families safe. What employees are entitled to may be confusing. Use this guide to determine what is best for you, your family, and your workplace.

Resources for Employees Impacted by COVID-19 | California Employment Development Department

California is responding to the spread of a respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus (COVID-19). While investigations to learn more about the virus are ongoing, workers and employers should review their health and safety procedures to help prevent exposure to the virus. The Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. Find answers to questions you may have about COVID-19 and what programs and benefits may be available to you.

Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Development Corporation (PCR) is a private, nonprofit corporation founded to assist small business owners in becoming successful members of the Southern California business community. PCR offers a variety of loan programs for small businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

SVCF Small Business Relief Fund | Silicon Valley Community Foundation

This fund from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation provides immediate support to struggling California-based self-employed and small business owners. It offers technical assistance as well as loan and grant funding to provide relief or liquidity. Self-employed individuals and small businesses throughout California can apply with targeted support for geographies with high concentrations of at-risk businesses.

Get the support and inspiration you crave, with all the flexibility you need, right at your fingertips with The Hivery. A Virtual Membership, which includes free virtual coworking, is for you if you’re at a career crossroads and wondering ‘what’s next’; you’re an entrepreneur, creative, or business owner looking for a network of other business-minded women; or you’re a busy mom or empty nester who is in a state of transition and longs to reconnect with their passion and feminine power.

As new developments continue unfolding around the spread of COVID-19, many employers have questions about implications in the workplace. Join Small Business Majority, Go-Biz, Employment Development Department (EDD), and Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) for a statewide webinar covering policy updates related to COVID-19. Learn about what the State of California and Governor Newsom are implementing to ensure public safety.

The Hivery is working hard to bring you virtual coworking, collaboration sessions, and other ways to connect with community from home. Check back regularly for updates on events such as "Managing Financial Decisions During Uncertain Times" and "Reframing and Pivoting."


Berkeley Relief Fund | City of Berkeley

The Berkeley City Council has approved $3 million for emergency relief grants to small businesses that are hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds will be used only for emergency grants, and managed by the City of Berkeley. Applicants in need can apply for the fund.

If you own or run a business, now is the time to get ready for the impact of increased coronavirus spread within the Bay Area. Adopt policies and practices that support current public health recommendations and plan ahead to take more stringent measures when risk levels increase. Need guidance? The City of Berkeley has compiled strategies and resources to help business owners plan and prepare for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Los Angeles

COVID-19 Resources for Los Angeles Businesses | Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce

As the region adjusts to tackle COVID-19, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing the resources and information necessary to address the needs of the business community during this unprecedented time. In uncertain times like these, the chamber is working to minimize the impacts to health, communities, and economy. They’ve created a webpage of resources and information for businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

Coronavirus Information for Los Angeles County Businesses | Los Angeles County Consumer and Business Affairs

The coronavirus emergency is hurting businesses in Los Angeles County. Here are the steps you can take to stay in business during this health emergency, including federal, state, and county loans, and disaster relief funds you can apply for.

LA County COVID-19 Small Business Assistance Program | Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a motion authored by Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to create the Los Angeles County COVID-19 Small Business Assistance Program which calls for the creation of the COVID-19 Relief Fund, a public-private partnership that will provide critical funding for hundreds of small businesses and nonprofits in L.A. County being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The motion aims to counteract COVID-19 related financial hardships small businesses and nonprofits are currently facing across all industries.

The Los Angeles SBDC’s COVID-19 Response Guide | Los Angeles Small Business Development Center

The Los Angeles Small Business Development Center’s COVID-19 Response Guide is designed to be a practical and effective resource for small business owners to stay informed, plan, and respond to the impact of COVID-19. The Los Angeles SBDC will update this guide as the Small Business Administration (SBA), Employee Development Department (EDD), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provide additional information. Learn about available resources for business owners and recommended strategies for preparing for business disruption. They will also be hosting free webinars for business owners with a live presentation and Q&A on COVID-19.

Small Business Emergency Microloan Program | Los Angeles Economic & Workforce Development Department

The newly established Small Business Emergency Microloan Program now provides financing needed to strengthen small business enterprises in this time of acute need that have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Loans from $5–20,000 will be made at favorable interest loans as working capital to ailing businesses. Please check the website for detailed eligibility requirements.

North Bay

Exchange Bank has commercial and consumer loans and lines of credit available during the COVID-19 pandemic. You do not need to be an existing customer to apply. For more information, contact Becky Ettinger, VP & manager of Sonoma Branch by phone at (707) 939-6803 or email

Union Bank focuses on the details of your business as you grow and provides the right financial solutions and tools at the right time. They are offering commercial loans and lines of credit to businesses affected by COVID-19. Applicants would need to open a business checking account at time of funding. For more information, contact Robin Gold ( or Anna Lobato ( at (707) 933-1141.

Bank of Marin’s local and experienced teams are here to help address your financial needs for commercial enterprises and small businesses, so you can focus on growing into new markets, developing competitive products, or streamlining production. Commercial lines of credit and loans are available during the COVID-19 outbreak; you do not need to be a current customer to apply. For more information, Contact Will Harris at or (707) 933-3750.

La Luz microloans support existing businesses in Sonoma Valley. For those affected by COVID-19 and interested in microloans, requirements are as follows: owner does not have a business loan with a bank, and would not normally be considered bankable; the owner is (or becomes) a member of the Springboard business owners group; loan will create a positive economic impact on the Springs area in terms of job creation and business development; owner is a small business with fewer than 10 employees; owner has at least one year of recent same-industry experience; owner is seeking loans range from $1000 to $50,000; and owner is interested in loan terms from 12 months to 60 months depending on the loan amount. Please contact Mayra Mizrachi at for more details.


Are you a business owner or employee in the Oakland area? The City of Oakland has created a webpage of resources for business owners, nonprofits, and employees affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Find national, state, and local resources that can help in times of crisis.


City Economic Relief Fund | City of Sacramento

Are you a business owner in Sacramento impacted by the COVID-19 crisis? The city of Sacramento has established a $1 million economic relief fund for businesses affected by COVID-19. The fund will provide 0% interest loans of up to $25,000 per business. Application submission will begin on March 18, 2020, at 5 p.m.

San Francisco

COVID-19 Response: Deferral of Business Taxes | Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector

The City of San Francisco is taking measures to support small businesses in San Francisco who are experiencing a slowdown in business as a result of COVID‑19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. As part of this citywide effort, the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector will defer taxes for certain businesses and defer license fees. The city has also created a one-stop website for employers and employees outlining all existing resources, contacts, and updates.

COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund | San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development

When an unforeseen event occurs that negatively impacts small businesses like COVID-19, the Invest In Neighborhoods Division of San Francisco's Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) works with individual businesses to provide support and resources they may need to get them through this difficult time. Because of the disruptions that COVID-19 has created for our small business community, the COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund was created. It allows impacted small business owners to access up to $10,000 for employee salaries and rent.

ICA’s Rapid Response Liquidity Fund is a zero-interest loan to address the immediate liquidity crisis faced by many small businesses in the Bay Area. In addition to providing businesses with critical emergency capital, ICA will pair small businesses with their network of expert advisors and continue providing tailored resources to companies to help get through the pandemic and grow once stabilized.

Working with the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), Main Street Launch will provide capital to businesses through the Emerging Business Loan Fund (EBLF) and other lending programs. In the last five years, they have funded over 100 companies, and those businesses have created and sustained nearly 1,000 jobs in San Francisco. Small business loans will be given from $10,000 to $250,000.

Guidance for Businesses and Workers Impacted by COVID-19 | Office of Economic and Workforce Development

The Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)'s workforce division is prepared to help support workers who face a reduction in hours due to COVID-19 and educate employers about their responsibilities with respect to those impacted employees. They are also exploring additional resources and measures to alleviate the pressure that businesses are facing as a result of COVID-19. This page collects information and resources to help San Francisco businesses and workers during this challenging time. From legal assistance to information about deferred fees and taxes, this is the hub for Bay Area business owners. The OEWD will continue to post new details and resources on the webpage as they become available



The City and County of Denver is committed to identifying, developing and implementing local programs, including financial and wrap-around services, to support Denver business owners and their employees affected by the city’s public health response to COVID-19. These programs — including emergency relief, microloans, and more — are aimed at supporting businesses so they can support their employees.

Small Business Emergency Relief Program | Denver Economic Development & Opportunity

In response to COVID-19, Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) is working on connecting the Denver business community to the most appropriate resources in the region. The first step is to describe how your business is being impacted by filling out the form on their site. DEDO staff will then evaluate your information and help you identify the most appropriate support for you and your business.


Connecticut COVID-19 Business Resource Center | Connecticut Small Business Development Center

To assist Connecticut-based business owners during these unprecedented and difficult times, the Connecticut Small Business Development Center (CSBD) created a continuously updated webpage with COVID-19 information relevant to small businesses such as resources, videos, and links to additional material from various government agencies.

New Haven

Are you an artist or business owner affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? The Arts Council of Greater New Haven has created a round-up of funding resources for artists and art-based businesses and organizations to help you get through the coronavirus pandemic. Resources include emergency funds, loans, and information from various organizations.


Governor John Carney recently announced the Hospitality Emergency Loan Program (HELP) to provide financial relief for restaurants, bars, and other hospitality industry businesses that employ thousands of Delawareans. The no-interest loans are capped at $10,000 per business per month. The money can cover rent, utilities, and other unavoidable bills but cannot be used for personnel costs. The loans have a 10-year term with payments deferred for nine months. The Division of Small Business will administer the program using existing state funds and is aiming to have an application available later this week. Eligible businesses must have been in operation for at least a year, have annual revenue below $1.5 million and be in a certain hospitality-connected industry.

District of Columbia

Small Business Recovery Microgrants | Council of the District of Columbia

In response to the pandemic, the D.C. Small Business Recovery Microgrants Program provides grants to small, local businesses, independent contractors, self-employed individuals, and nonprofits to meet their short-term financial needs. The grant can cover employee wages and benefits (including fringe benefits associated with employment such as health insurance), accounts payable, fixed costs, inventory, rent, and utilities. Application closes at 6 p.m. EST on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.


The Black Business Loan Program | FAMU Federal Credit Union and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

FAMU Federal Credit Union has partnered with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to administer the Black Business Loan Program (BBLP). This program provides lending opportunities and technical assistance to black entrepreneurs throughout the state of Florida. Loans are available from $2,500 to $75,000 for each business.

Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program | Florida Small Business Development Center

The Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program was first activated following Hurricane Andrew in 1992. It has been activated 26 additional times following disasters and has helped more than 4,750 small businesses statewide to receive more than $157.5 million in assistance. To be eligible for COVID-19 relief, a business must be established prior to March 9, 2020, the date of the designated disaster and meet a handful of other qualifications.

Northwest Florida Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Grants | Florida SBDC at the University of Northwest Florida and Gulf Power

The Florida SBDC at the University of Northwest Florida and Gulf Power have teamed up to provide $5,000 grants for small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant is intended to assist for-profit businesses located in select Northwest Florida counties and address their immediate cash flow needs as a result of demonstrated economic injury due to COVID-19.



To ensure the viability of city businesses and to help sustain employment, Invest Atlanta has established a Business Continuity Loan Fund (BCLF) with $1.5 million of funding from the City of Atlanta. The fund will offer small businesses zero-interest loans to address a lack of working capital and cash flows as a result of reduced consumer demand, the ability to fulfill product or service orders, and other economic conditions.


Hospitality Emergency Grant Program | Illinois Departments of Commerce & Economic Opportunity

The Illinois Departments of Commerce & Economic Opportunity is launching the Hospitality Emergency Grant Program to help hospitality businesses make ends meet in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This $14 million grant will support working capital like payroll and rent, as well as job training, retraining, and technology to support shifts in operations, like increased pickup and delivery.

Illinois Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program | Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity

To support small businesses in downstate and rural counties across Illinois, the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is offering small businesses of up to 50 employees the opportunity to partner with their local governments to obtain grants of up to $25,000 in working capital.

Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan Fund | Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity

The Illinois Small Business Emergency Loan Fund offers low interest loans of up to $50,000 to Illinois businesses impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses located outside of the City of Chicago with fewer than 50 workers and less than $3 million in revenue in 2019 will be eligible to apply. Successful applicants will owe nothing for six months and will then begin making fixed payments at a below-market interest rate for the remainder of a five-year loan term.


The City of Chicago recognizes that coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has put a difficult burden on the small business community. As a response to this challenge, the city is establishing a $100 million Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund, which will help to provide small businesses with emergency cash flow during this immediate health crisis. Funds will be provided to eligible businesses as low-interest loans. Loan applications will be administered through our Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) partners. Applications for the Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund will begin to be accepted on March 31, 2020.

COVID-19: Guidance for Chicago Businesses and Employers |  Chicago Department of Public Health

This hub collects interim guidance intended for businesses, employees, and citizens throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. The City of Chicago will update this site with the most current information, whether it's the current exposure rates, grants and programs offering financial relief, or guidance for how to manage employee sick leave policy.


COVID-19 Targeted Small Business Sole Operator Fund | Iowa Center for Economic Success

A fund has been created to support Targeted Small Businesses (TSB) with zero employees that have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program offers eligible small businesses grants up to $10,000 to businesses that are single owners with no employees that are also TSB-certified, or have an application submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) by April 10, 2020 to become TSB-certified. The TSB program is designed to help women, New Majority, service-connected disabled veterans, and individuals with disabilities overcome some of the hurdles to start or grow a small business in Iowa.



MHK Together | 502 and the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation

502 has partnered with the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (GMCF) to create MHK Together, a program that supports the small businesses and employees experiencing major changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this program, you purchase a gift card to your favorite businesses, and GMCF will match that purchase dollar-for-dollar in the form of grocery gift cards to provide assistance to those in need. Are you a business owner? List your business to participate in the program.


New Orleans

Gig Economy Relief Fund | New Orleans Business Alliance

As a result of the anticipated local economic impact of COVID-19, the New Orleans Business Alliance (NOLABA) is setting up a relief fund to meet the needs of gig economy workers who have been directly impacted by loss of income.  NOLABA is committing $100,000 to initiate the fund, with a goal of increasing the fund assets to a minimum of $500,000. They have issued a charge across the community to encourage business leaders, philanthropy, and concerned New Orleanians to contribute to increase the potential reach and impact of this relief effort.


COVID-19 Emergency Relief Loan Fund | Maryland Department of Commerce

This COVID-19 Emergency Relief $75 million Loan Fund offers working capital to assist Maryland for-profit small businesses with disrupted operations due to COVID-19. Loan assistance is intended to provide interim relief complementing actions with its bank, business interruption insurance, and financial partners. The general terms and conditions include: loans up to $50,000 (not to exceed three months of cash operating expenses) open to Maryland businesses impacted by COVID-19 with fewer than 50 employees; 0% interest for the first 12 months, and 2% for the remaining 36 months; and deferral of any payments for the first 12 months, and straight amortization beginning in the 13th month through the 36th month.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Fund | Maryland Department of Commerce

This COVID-19 Emergency Relief $50 million Grant Fund offers working capital to assist Maryland small businesses and nonprofits with disrupted operations due to COVID-19. Grant assistance is intended to provide interim relief complementing actions with its bank, business interruption insurance, and financial partners. Grants offered will scale up to $10,000 and will not exceed three months of cash operating expenses for Maryland businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 with 50 or fewer employees.

Grants of up to $100,000 will be made available to Maryland manufacturers to produce personal protective equipment and other items identified as critical needs items that are urgently needed by the State of Maryland, Maryland-based hospitals and healthcare facilities, and emergency and first responders.


COVID-19 Loan Fund | Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation

A loan fund has been created to provide financial relief to Massachusetts businesses that have been affected by COVID-19. The $10 million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund will provide emergency capital up to $75,000 to Massachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full and part-time employees, including nonprofits. Loans are immediately available to eligible businesses with no payments due for the first six months.

Eastern Bank and Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation will provide funding to help offset the impact of the coronavirus in Massachusetts. Eastern Bank has created the Small Business Impact Loan for Massachusetts-based businesses experiencing financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus crisis. This loan fund will provide $5 million in lending to small businesses with loans of up to $25,000 each.


Boston Artist Relief Fund | City of Boston

With events of all types being canceled to reduce the spread of COVID-19, people who make their income partially or fully through gigs and freelance work are losing critical opportunities to support their well-being in the city. Organized by the City of Boston, the Boston Artist Relief Fund will award grants of $500 and $1,000 to individual artists who live in Boston whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Boston Business Resources | Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce

To help navigate through the evolving COVID-19 developments, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce is introducing Boston's COVID-19 Digest for Business, a webpage to provide businesses with periodic updates and resources from the government (federal, state, and local public policy analysis) and industry-specific insights into what employers are doing to confront the COVID-19 crisis.

With the restrictions of Boston restaurants to serve patrons food via takeout and delivery only, there are many workers affected by the crisis.The City of Boston created a listing for residents to find local restaurants that remain open for takeout and delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Boston-based restaurants can register to add their business to the listing to help people find the right information about their location during this difficult time.


Preparedness Resources for Cambridge Businesses | Community Development Department

This webpage compiles resources for small business owners to prepare and mitigate the fallout for the COVID-19 outbreak. Here you can find information on how to formulate a business continuity plan, sign up for state and local alerts, information about disaster assistance loans, and more.


Resources for Michigan Businesses During COVID-19 | Michigan Economic Development Corporation

Your business needs immediate funding to address the challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak. One potential solution? The Michigan Small Business Relief Program will provide up to $20 million in support for small businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19. The funding is divided between $10 million in small business grants and $10 million in small business loans to support businesses facing drastic reductions in cash flow and the continued support of their workforce. Funds for the program are expected to be available no later than April 1, 2020. This information hub will be updated regularly with information on this and other opportunities to tide your business over until the disaster recedes.

Supporting Your Small Business During COVID-19 | Michigan Small Business Development Center

Do you have concerns about cash flow, human resources, e-commerce, and other business topics during the coronavirus pandemic? The Michigan Small Business Development Center has created this hub for regular webinars, guides, FAQs, funding opportunities, and general business support to address the drastic shift in the business climate.


As small business owners feel the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, Detroit Regional Chamber is providing the most up-to-date resources from reliable organizations to help your business get through the pandemic. Find tools, updates, and resources for employers, small businesses, parents, and independent workers navigating through the pandemic.

TechTown is launching the Detroit Small Business Stabilization Fund to support the needs of small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to accelerate access to capital for Detroit’s most vulnerable businesses, TechTown — in partnership with the City of Detroit, the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC), and Invest Detroit — will administer working capital grants in amounts of up to $5,000 to qualifying small businesses.


Small Business Emergency Loans | Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has established a loan program to assist small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses are a vital part of Minnesota’s economy and this program will provide a source of working capital to help businesses sustain operations during this challenging time. Loans range from $2,500 to $35,000 and will be based on the firm’s economic injury and financial need.


This program is an alternative to layoffs for employers faced with a reduction in available work. It allows an employer to divide the available work among a specified group of affected employees instead of a layoff. These employees receive a portion of their unemployment benefits while working reduced hours.

Kansas City

Kansas City and Wyandotte County Coronavirus Information | Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City

This web page from the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City has updated statewide and local announcements and information on the COVID-19 pandemic for Wyandotte County and Kansas City residents.

The KC COVID-19 Small Business Relief Loan Fund is a community-backed $5 million small business relief loan fund intended to provide immediate relief to local, small businesses experiencing extreme economic disruption and financial strain as a result of the pandemic. Applications are available for three-year, short-term loans up to $100,000 with no interest and deferred payments for the first six to 12 months.

St. Louis

The Gateway Resilience Fund | St. Louis Community Foundation

This fund provides short-term monetary relief to employees and owners of independent bars, restaurants, and shops in the St. Louis, Missouri area affected by closures and other circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Small Business Resource Loan Program | St. Louis Economic Development Partnership

The St. Louis Economic Development Partnership and St. Louis Development Corporation are offering a 0% loan program for small businesses in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County. Businesses are eligible to apply for loans of up to $5,000 for working capital. Any for-profit business in the city of St. Louis or St. Louis County that has sustained economic damage due to the COVID-19 crisis may apply.



COVID-19 Response Fund | Omaha Community Foundation

The Omaha Community Foundation has launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to provide flexible resources to organizations in the metro area working with communities who are disproportionately impacted by coronavirus and the economic consequences of this outbreak. One-time operating grants will fund organizations that have deep roots in the community and strong experience working with residents without health insurance and/or access to sick days, people with limited English language proficiency, healthcare and low-wage workers, and communities of color, among others. Any individual can donate to the fund online.

New Jersey

Entrepreneur Guarantee Program | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

The NJ Entrepreneurship Guarantee Program is a $5 million program that spurs investment by encouraging private sector investors to provide additional working capital loans to New Jersey-based entrepreneurial businesses in which the investor is already an equity holder. The program provides a guarantee of an investor loan advanced for working capital to an entrepreneurial company that has been impacted by COVID-19.

Emergency Technical Assistance Program | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

The Emergency Technical Assistance Program is a program that will support technical assistance to New Jersey-based companies applying for U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) or state programs.

Micro Business Loan Program | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

Are you a New Jersey-based small business owner affected by the pandemic? The Micro Business Loan Program has financing of up to $50,000 available to for-profit businesses in New Jersey. Businesses must be legally registered and have a business location in New Jersey. Eligible businesses must also have annual revenues in the most current fiscal year of no more than $1.5 million and 10 full-time employees or fewer at time of application.

Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

In response to the economic challenges being faced by New Jersey small and medium-sized businesses and nonprofits (SMEs), the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) has created the Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program. The grant program will provide funding as efficiently and quickly as possible to businesses that are in need. It will provide up to $5,000 to SMEs that have between one to 10 full-time equivalent employees.

Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) has created the Small Business Emergency Assistance Loan Program to help New Jersey small businesses and nonprofits to cover operating expenses and ensure continuity of operations during the outbreak. The loan program is designed to provide a direct loan of up to $100,000 to small businesses and nonprofits organizations that have been in existence for at least one year and have less than $5 million in annual revenue.

Small Business Emergency Assistance Guarantee Program | New Jersey Economic Development Authority

The Small Business Emergency Assistance Guarantee Program is a $10 million pilot program from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority that makes available one-year first loss guarantees of permanent working capital loans and lines of credit originated by Premier Lender banks. These loans must be made to cover operating expenses for New Jersey small businesses and nonprofit organizations that have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

New Mexico

COVID-19 Business Loan Guarantee Program | New Mexico Economic Development Department

The Economic Development Department (EDD) has created a program to assist businesses seeking emergency loans or lines of credit to deal with negative economic impacts from COVID-19. EDD can guarantee a portion of a loan or line of credit up to 80% of principal or $50,000. Loan proceeds are flexible and can be used for (and not limited to) the following: working capital, inventory, and payroll.

New York

New York City

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on March 8 that the City of New York will provide relief for small businesses across the city seeing a reduction in revenue because of COVID-19. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees, which have seen sales decreases of 25% or more will be eligible for zero interest loans of up to $75,000 to help mitigate losses in profit. The city is also offering small businesses with fewer than five employees a grant to cover 40% of payroll costs for two months to help retain employees. This hub will be updated with additional resources and guidance as they emerge.

NYC Emergency Small Business Relief Loan Fund | Renaissance Economic Development Corporation

Renaissance Economic Development Corporation (REDC) has created an Emergency Small Business Relief Loan Fund to provide working capital to assist New York City-based small businesses impacted by the pandemic. The program will provide loans up to $50,000 with deferments up to six months.

NYC Employee Retention Grant Program | NYC Department of Small Business Services

To help small businesses deal with the impact of COVID-19, the City of New York has launched the Employee Retention Grant Program to help retain employees as businesses face decreased revenue. This program is available to New York City businesses with one to four employees that can demonstrate at least a 25% decrease in revenue as a result of COVID-19. Eligible businesses will receive a grant covering up to 40% of their payroll for two months. Businesses can access up to $27,000.

Resources for Restaurants and Workers Impacted by COVID-19 | Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation

The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation is working to collect information and links to resources that will help restaurants and workers deal most effectively with the COVID-19 emergency. Check back regularly for updates on closures, messaging, assistance, and other resources.


COVID-19 Emergency Relief Program | Syracuse Economic Development Corporation

In the wake of the impact being felt by small businesses in the city of Syracuse due to the coronavirus COVID-19, the Syracuse Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) is providing emergency loans to directly assist these firms with temporary financing during the pandemic. The SEDCO will dedicate a $500,000 fund to provide 0% interest, 180-day emergency loans to small businesses in the city. Up to $25,000 loans will be given per business and average loan size is anticipated to be around $10,000.


Oklahoma City

OKC COVID-19 Small Business Continuity Program | Greater Oklahoma City Chamber

The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber worked with the Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City to build the framework for this emergency relief program. To apply, companies will need to demonstrate a loss of at least half their business and that they receive most of their revenue from in-store sales. Incentive, loans, and technical assistance programs are available for businesses with less than 50 employees.



The City of Lakewood, LakewoodAlive, and the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce are partnering to provide accurate information and resources for Lakewood businesses affected by COVID-19. Be sure to read about the numerous financial relief, rent relief, and other measures available to small businesses and their employees. This is a rapidly evolving situation and they will continue to update this page as new information becomes available.


Let’s Keep Connected (LKC) was created to support and connect businesses during the COVID-19 crisis and through the long-term recovery process. LKC provides a virtual space for startups, entrepreneurs, small- and mid-sized businesses, service providers, government agencies, and nonprofits in Oregon to connect with others. They’re hosting weekly webinars for Oregon-based businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Business Oregon, alongside the Oregon Employment Department, the Oregon Secretary of State, and the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services compiled information and resources to assist Oregon small businesses dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. Find resources on financial relief, COVID-19 guidance, and virtual webinars related to the pandemic

Work Share Oregon Program | State of Oregon Employment Department

When times are tough, Work Share provides Oregon businesses an alternative to layoffs. This newly streamlined program from the State of Oregon Employment Department allows employers to leverage unemployment insurance (UI) to subsidize a portion of lost wages for employers whose work time is reduced due to market downturns or other business stressors.


Responding to COVID-19 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

This website collects all relevant and up-to-date information about the COVID-19 outbreak in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Check back regularly for information on business closures, unemployment services, relief aid, and more in the coming days and weeks.


COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund | Philadelphia Department of Commerce

The Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund offers grants or zero-interest loans to Philadelphia small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program, administered by the Department of Commerce and Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), aims to provide relief to small businesses in order to help them survive this crisis, retain as many employees as possible, help businesses avoid predatory lenders, and maintain the provision of goods and services for Philadelphia’s residents. You can apply for the three relief programs through a single application. Your request will be directed to the appropriate program based on your annual revenue.


Emergency Fund for Artists | Greater Pittsburgh Art Council

With the spread of the coronavirus, artists and creative workers are facing a different kind of emergency.Greater Pittsburgh Art Council (GPAC)'s Emergency Fund for Artists is here to support you during your time of need. Artists who live in the nine-county region, and whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by coronavirus or other emergencies, may apply for up to $500 in assistance.


COVID-19 Resources + Updates | Launch Tennessee

Launch Tennessee is a public-private partnership guided by a vision of making Tennessee the most startup-friendly state in the nation. Please check back frequently for guidance from health officials, updates from our statewide network partners, resources to support small businesses and startups, webinars and other virtual learning opportunities, and other information as needed throughout the coronavirus pandemic.


Protecting Your Employees and Business | Metro Public Health Department

These guidelines from the Nashville Metro Public Health Department are designed to help reduce the risk of workplace exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. The guidelines also provide recommendations for planning ahead in case the illness spreads more widely through a workplace or community.


AssistHer Emergency Relief Grant | Texas Women’s University

The purpose of this $10,000 grant is to help sustain your business while you are under economic hardship due to COVID-19. The funds can be used for technology upgrades or other items needed to change or adapt your business model. Proof of woman-owned and controlled documentation is required.

The coronavirus has forced a widespread upheaval across the Texas hospitality industry. This hub collects information on how to handle employment concerns, contracts and insurance problems, public health and sanitation, and a selection of assistance programs.

COVID-19 Resources for Employers | Texas Workforce Commission

Are you an employer with questions about unemployment benefits, tax deadlines, and other business concerns? The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is working with federal, state, and local government officials and agencies to help manage the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. On Friday, March 13, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott declared a disaster relating to the pandemic. This page collects relevant resources to keep employers up-to-date in a shifting regulatory and business climate.

The Governor’s Small Business Webinar Series | Texas Economic Development and Texas Workforce Commission

The Governor’s Small Business Webinar Series will provide Texas small business owners and entrepreneurs with timely, relevant, and actionable information on COVID-19 recovery resources. Topics will include how the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act affects small businesses, as well as workforce-related topics surrounding hiring, benefits, payroll and unemployment. Businesses will also get the chance to connect with local experts and support systems.

Rapid Response for Workers | Texas Workforce Commission

When businesses close plants or lay off workers, Texas Workforce Solutions can provide immediate on-site services to assist workers facing job losses. Rapid Response provides early intervention assistance designed to transition workers to their next employment as soon as possible. Rapid Response services are tailored to each company, based on the needs of the affected employees. Any Texas employer laying off workers may request Rapid Response services for their employees. If the number of affected workers is small, employers should direct the workers to their Workforce Solutions office where they can receive Rapid Response services. For larger numbers of affected workers, onsite services are available.


A number of control orders and emergency rules have been introduced mandating specified actions aimed at slowing the spread and reducing the impact of COVID-19. The Austin Chamber will continue to update this page with resources for businesses that need assistance in developing staffing, continuity, and other plans in light of this situation. Additionally, consider taking their COVID-19 business impact survey to determine how to best serve the community.

As the coronavirus becomes a fact of life for Travis County citizens and business owners, this hub will provide up-to-date information on public health, regulatory shifts, and business assistance relevant and available to constituents. Check back daily for local updates.

The coronavirus pandemic poses important business questions: How and what do we prioritize? How do we sell during this time? How do we adjust our financial model and fundraise? How can you potentially pivot your company? These questions and more will be answered during the next four weeks. Women@Austin believes, as a community, women are powerful and have the ability to not only carry each other through this but raise each other up as well. Join their Virtual Community Group to connect and learn together!


COVID-19 Resources for Houston Small Businesses | City of Houston Office of Business Opportunity

The Office of Business Opportunity (OBO) is committed to cultivating a competitive and diverse economic environment in the city of Houston by promoting the success of small businesses and developing Houston’s workforce, with special emphasis on historically underutilized businesses and disenfranchised individuals. This webpage collects resources for Houston business owners affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Entrepreneur Connection is a small business program from BakerRipley that provides resources, education, and connection to capital to help Houston entrepreneurs start or expand a business. In light of the pandemic, they are offering free webinars for business owners related to the COVID-19 crisis.

Find a Business Mentor | SCORE Houston

Small business owners are more likely to succeed if they have a mentor to guide them. SCORE is offering the largest network of volunteer business mentors providing free answers to your business questions. SCORE mentors bring real-world business experience to their clients: They are working or retired business owners, executives, and managers who have been through the same challenges and decisions that many entrepreneurs are facing today. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mentors will be available to help you by video chat, email, or telephone.

Houston COVID-19 Resources | Greater Houston Partnership

Thousands of cases have been confirmed for the coronavirus across the United States, and there are currently dozens of confirmed cases in the Houston region. This webpage from the Greater Houston Partnership is designed to provide resources and information around the virus to businesses and individuals in the region.

Houston Shift Meal | Houston Shift Meal

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, many workers in Houston's hospitality industry have been affected by closures and layoffs. Houston Shift Meal is dedicated to providing these individuals with meals so that no one goes hungry. ​They are accepting monetary sponsorships and donations from suppliers, businesses, and individuals who wish to help. These sponsorships will go to restaurant partners to help offset their costs as they take care of industry friends during these difficult times. For every $250 sponsorship received, a restaurant will be able to produce anywhere between 50-75 meals.

Liftfund is a nonprofit organization that helps small business owners with limited access to capital have a chance to live their dreams. They are providing SBA 504 and small business loans for Houston startups during the crisis.

SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses succeed through education and mentorship. Their site provides Houston-based businesses with information on SBA loans and free webinars related to the COVID-19 crisis. They are also offering free business mentoring through video chat, email, or telephone.


Salt Lake City

The purpose of this loan program is to provide financial relief to small businesses that will most likely see a downturn in business due to an unforeseen emergency. The program is intended to help businesses keep their employees and stay afloat during a time of economic hardship. The city aims to provide as much relief as possible, but loan approvals will be limited during a high-volume application period. If the business owner should need further financial assistance in the form of a larger loan and payback period, they will be directed to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Economic Disaster Assistance Program. The application for this local program will be open until Monday, March 23rd at midnight.


COVID-19 Guidance for Vermont Businesses | Agency of Commerce and Community Development

This webpage from the State of Vermont's Agency of Commerce and Community Development compiles resources and information for businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Find information on financial assistance for small businesses and statewide news.

Vermont Small Business Development Center COVID-19 Resources | Vermont Small Business Development Center

Are you a small business owner based in Vermont? Vermont Small Business Development Center (VtSBDC) has created a webpage of resources for small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Find information on financial assistance and guidance on disaster recovery.


Are you a small business based in Washington state? Governor Inslee is offering a new Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grant program to assist small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The grant program will provide a limited number of businesses in Washington’s 39 counties with a grant of up to $10,000.


Arts Recovery Package | City of Seattle

Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced $1.1 million in City of Seattle funding to invest directly in creative workers and arts and cultural organizations financially impacted by COVID-19. The investment is a combination of funding strategies designed to help the arts and culture sector through direct grants to organizations and creative workers most impacted by this crisis. The Mayor’s Arts Recovery Package is composed of two key initiatives: $100,000 in immediate relief for artists and creative workers through two private artist relief funds and $1 million Arts Stabilization Fund to invest in arts and cultural organizations to help mitigate revenue losses due to the moratorium on events and public gatherings.

To mitigate barriers to capital for Seattle's most vulnerable businesses, the City of Seattle will commit approximately $1.5 million in one-time Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the Small Business Stabilization Fund, an emergency fund that provides working capital grants in amounts up to $10,000 to qualifying small businesses.

Amazon is creating a $5 million Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund to provide cash grants to local small businesses in Seattle that need assistance during this difficult time. The fund is intended for small businesses with fewer than 50 employees or less than $7 million in annual revenue, physical presence within a few blocks of its Regrade, South Lake Union, and Bellevue office buildings, that are open to the general public, and that are reliant on foot traffic for customers.

Following robust outreach to small business owners and community stakeholders, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced new initial actions to provide immediate relief for small businesses impacted by COVID-19 in Seattle. The initial support package will include the deferral of business and occupation taxes, expansion of Small Business Stabilization Fund, access to Small Business Administration Loans, relief for utility payments, and a new small business recovery task force, which will advise on long-term policy recommendations and provide technical assistance and outreach.

If your business has been impacted by COVID-19 in Seattle or King County, or anywhere in Washington state, this list of resources will help you to survive and recover. Information includes everything from public health recommendations for food establishments to a small business toolkit from the Washington Small Business Development Center.


Small Business 20/20 | Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

To help small businesses maintain cash flow in the face of unprecedented business disruption brought on by COVID-19, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is leveraging the strong relationships the state’s community development financial institutions (CDFIs) have with their clients to quickly deploy $5 million in emergency capital. Businesses may be granted two months of payroll and rent expenses, up to a maximum of $20,000. Funds must be used for rent and payroll expenses, including covering paid leave (sick, family, and other leave related to COVID-19) throughout the duration of the funding period.

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